Sex allocation by simultaneous hermaphrodites is theoretically influenced by selfing rate, which is in turn influenced by the benefits of enhanced genomic transmission and reproductive assurance relative to the cost of inbreeding depression. The experimental investigation of these influences in seed plants has a rich pedigree, yet although such an approach is equally relevant to colonial invertebrates, which globally dominate subtidal communities on firm substrata, such studies have been scarce. We reared self-compatible genets of the marine bryozoan Celleporella hyalina s.l. in the presence and absence of allosperm, and used molecular genetic markers for paternity analysis of progeny to test theoretical predictions that: (1) genets from focal populations with high selfing rates show less inbreeding depression than from focal populations with low selfing rates; (2) genets whose selfed progeny show inbreeding depression prefer outcross sperm (allosperm); and (3) genets bias sex allocation toward female function when reared in reproductive isolation. Offspring survivorship and paternity analysis were used to estimate levels of inbreeding depression and preference for outcrossing or selfing. Sex allocation was assessed by counting male and female zooids. As predicted, inbreeding depression was severe in selfed progeny of genets derived from the populations with low self-compatibility rates, but, with one exception, was not detected in selfed progeny of genets derived from the populations with higher self-compatibility rates. Also, as predicted, genets whose selfed progeny showed inbreeding depression preferred outcrossing, and a genet whose selfed progeny did not show inbreeding depression preferred selfing. Contrary to prediction, sex allocation in the majority of genets was not influenced by reproductive isolation. Lack of economy of male function may reflect the over-riding influence of allosperm-competition in typically dense breeding populations offering good opportunity for outcrossing. We suggest that hermaphroditism may be a plesiomorphic character of the crown group Bryozoa, prevented by phylogenetic constraint from being replaced by gonochorism and therefore not necessarily adaptive in all extant clades.