Municipal solid waste management in India is often one of the largest components of a municipality's budgets. In India municipalities spend in the range of 20-50% of their budgets on the handling of municipal waste. Waste collection in cities is inefficient in more ways than one. The lack of garbage bins on city streets combined with carefree attitudes towards littering and weak enforcement of laws against littering result in unsightly streets. Landfills are located on the periphery of cities where many low income communities reside, Subsequently some populations also relocate to areas surrounding landfills because picking apart recyclables from landfill garbage is a source of revenue for these urban poor. These populations are exposed to the first hand effects of dangerous pollutants in the air, rivers and streams that surround them. This paper will explore several technologies available for the reuse of waste and attempt to put forward policy recommendations for alleviation of the problems of waste in cities. Solid waste management in Prune and Banglore are discussed as case studies. Solutions to municipal solid waste management in India include technical, economic and social challenges.