In the Baikal-Mongolian region the assessment of the environmental impact of mining is carried out for mining enterprises that search, explore, and extract various types of mineral raw materials, as well as carry out their primary processing, waste disposal and recultivation of wastelands. We proposed a research model, summarizing the investigation content and stages. Leading importance is attached to the cartographic method based on remote materials and geo-information technologies, which increases the reliability, visibility and efficiency of the results obtained. We developed a system of indicators, taking into account the peculiarities of mining industry and environment. The negative impact of mining production on specially protected natural territories is assessed, the role of the latter as nature reserves and barriers to the technogenic expansion is determined. The enterprises that have the strongest environmental impact were comprehensively evaluated, while integrating various aspects of interaction of natural complexes and mining. The evaluation is carried out in relation to landscapes and their components that are most responsible for the environmental state. The maps obtained make it possible to determine the acuteness of ecological situations and plan and implement environmental protection measures in a timely manner. Prospects for further research were identified, a special place in which is given to methods of geoinformation modeling and mapping.