This work has involved valuable contributions from many people. First and foremost, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to my main supervisor, Professor Solveig Karin Bø Vatnar, for sharing her extensive scientific knowledge with me, for her patient guidance in large and small matters, for attending and supporting the work, and for thoughtful facilitation at crossroads. Years ago, she presented from her own PhD study results that stimulated my clinical work and academic curiosity. Later she guided my clinical inquiries into academic research and became the project leader and the best supervisor I could have wished for. The present work would have been neither initiated nor completed without her clear thought and kind heart. I am deeply grateful to all the women who volunteered to take part in this study. It took traveling, baby sitters, hours spent in an interview, and extensive recollection right in the middle of a demanding period of their lives. In addition to appreciating their participation, I admit to being encouraged by their support for more research in this field.