AGRADECIMENTOSEm primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer à minha família. Meus pais, Aldo e Cidinha, e meus irmãos, Stefano e Thor, serei eternamente grata por sempre acreditarem em mim e estarem ao meu lado em cada passo. Longe de ser piegas, nada disso seria possível sem o suporte de vocês. De verdade. Nunca me obrigaram a fazer nada ou muito menos me questionaram sobre as minhas escolhas. O apoio sempre foi incondicional, desde que eu estivesse fazendo o que eu realmente queria. Todas as vezes que eu mesma, ou coisas da vida, cortavam as minhas asas, vocês estavam lá me ajudando a reconstruí-las. Isso é mágico... Eu sou muito sortuda! Em segundo, ainda em família, queria agradecer à minha Tia Márcia pelos conselhos e presentes acadêmicos e aos meus avôs pelo amor gigantesco. À minha avó Nenzica pela "bença" sagrada na saída e na chegada de cada viagem, ao meu avô Leônidas (in memoriam) pela risada gostosa ao saber de cada conquista e destino, e ao meu avô Giuseppe (in memoriam) por ter se aproximado tanto de mim. The intense relationship between economic and environmental systems has been discussed and analyzed in several areas of study, but it was with the advent of Environmental Economics and, subsequently, the Ecological Economics that this topic had its prominence. Even with substantial differences, both areas have as common objective, the identification and quantification of natural resources and processes that have human utility, also known as ecosystem services. This can be done by environmental valuation techniques. Depending on its approach, environmental valuation has different outcomes, methods and concepts. In general, there are three spheres of ecosystem services values: the economic, the ecological and the socio-cultural one. Because of methodological limitations, definition problems and, mainly, the reluctance in discussing cultural issues, the last sphere is poorly developed and applied. The motivation for modifying this situation is the search for a better understanding of ecosystem services' different uses, with emphasis on the so-called cultural ecosystem services in order to take decisions that are based on the three spheres of value. Thus, with the objective of contributing to the development of the cultural sphere of ecosystem services valuation, the present study was constructed. A new methodology was therefore proposed and tested: this methodology allows the identification (Free-listing) and sociocultural valuation (Smith's Salience Index) of ecosystem services through the response of a community when submitted to a semi-structured questionnaire. The study was conducted in Marujá community, situated on the Cardoso Island, south coast of Sao Paulo State. In total, 53 traditional residents (representing 88% of households) were asked about their relationship, utilitarian, personal and community, with the community beach ecosystem. In all, 18 ecosystem services were identified. Some were described for the first time, and classified into three categories, one of which was also first assessed...