As is generally true with other age-related diseases, Alzheimer's disease (AD) involves oxidative damage to cellular components in the affected tissue, in this case the brain. The causes and consequences of oxidative stress in neurons in AD are not fully understood, but considerable evidence points to important roles for accumulation of amyloid b-peptide upstream of oxidative stress and perturbed cellular Ca 2+ homeostasis and energy metabolism downstream of oxidative stress. The identification of mutations in the b-amyloid precursor protein and presenilin-1 as causes of some cases of early onset inherited AD, and the development of cell culture and animal models based on these mutations has greatly enhanced our understanding of the AD process, and has greatly expanded opportunities for preclinical testing of potential therapeutic interventions. In this regard, and of particular interest to us, is the elucidation of adaptive cellular stress response pathways (ACSRP) that can counteract multiple steps in the AD neurodegenerative cascades, thereby limiting oxidative damage and preserving cognitive function. ACSRP can be activated by factors ranging from exercise and dietary energy restriction, to drugs and phytochemicals. In this article we provide an overview of oxidative stress and AD, with a focus on ACSRP and their potential for preventing and treating AD. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 14, 1519-1534.