Talking with patients and the public about endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can be challenging for healthcare providers if they themselves are not well versed with the topic. Scientific and clinical evidence about environmental impacts on reproductive health have escalated exponentially over the past two decades, and this field can no longer be ignored or denied, as the consequences are significant, and many are preventable. EDCs are found in industrial- and e-waste, plastics, pesticides, preservatives, bedding, personal care products, household dust, diesel exhaust, air pollution, and humans and wildlife. They disrupt endocrine processes in the developing fetus, neonates, children, adolescents, and adults. These effects, along with lax toxicity regulations, make a compelling case for healthcare providers to understand the issues for appropriate counseling of patients and the public. Moreover, clinicians can also effectively advocate for change at governmental levels, complementing individual attempts to minimize personal risk. This chapter reviews recent advances enabling healthcare professionals in practice and in training to take an environmental history and talk with patients, the public, and policy makers about EDCs and resources to protect the reproductive health of this and future generations.