O conteúdo foliar de fenóis totais e de taninos, bem como a composição química dos óleos essenciais em populações de Myrciaria cauliflora cultivadas em seis diferentes sítios de amostragem indicou a presença de quatro grupos de amostras de acordo com as características químicas da folha e do solo de cultivo. O grupo I incluiu as amostras oriundas do solo franco-arenoso (S1), caracterizado pela maior e menor percentagem de g-eudesmol (11,55%) e germacreno D (20,48%), respectivamente, e alto conteúdo de fenóis totais (136,68 mg g -1 ) e taninos (60,72 mg g -1 ). O grupo II, rico em elemol (4,61%), incluiu as amostras cultivadas nos solos franco-arenoso-argilosos (S2, S3 e S6), enquanto que as amostras dos solos argilosos S4 (grupo III) e S5 (grupo IV) apresentaram as mais elevadas percentagens de germacreno D (III: 27,20%; IV: 26,83%) e os mais baixos teores de elemol (2,12-2,55%), fenóis totais (79,69 e 111,77 mg g -1 ) e taninos (34,04 e 44,51 mg g -1 ). A análise de redundância canônica revelou como o balanço de nutrientes do solo e das folhas influenciou a distribuição dos constituintes químicos nos diferentes agrupamentos. A variação química parece ser determinada por fatores ambientais.Foliar contents of total phenols and tannins and the essential oil composition of Myrciaria cauliflora populations cultivated in six sampling sites have shown the presence of four clusters related to soil types and foliar nutrients. Cluster I included samples which originated from sandy loam soil (S1) with the highest and lowest percentages of g-eudesmol (11.55%) and germacrene D (20.48%), respectively, as well as high total phenol (136.68 mg g -1 ) and tannin (60.72 mg g -1 ) contents. Cluster II, rich in elemol (4.61%), included all the samples cultivated from clay sand loam soils (S2, S3, and S6), whereas clay soils S4 (cluster III) and S5 (cluster IV) had the highest amounts of germacrene D (III: 27.20%; IV: 26.83%) and the lowest levels of elemol (2.12-2.55%), total phenols (79.69 and 111.77 mg g -1 ), and tannins (34.04 and 44.51 mg g -1 ). The canonical redundancy analysis revealed the relationship between chemical balances in the soil and leaf nutrients in different clusters. Chemovariations may be environmentally determined.Keywords: Myrciaria cauliflora, essential oil, phenol, chemical variability, environmental influence, multivariate analysis Introduction Jaboticaba, also known as guaperu or sabara, is a small native Brazilian fruit of the cauliflorus Myrtle (Myrtaceae). It is grape-like in appearance and texture, although its skin is thicker and tougher, and its color varies from grown to deep purple or black due to high anthocyanin content. 1 The ripened berries are highly perishable -postharvest decay occurs within 2-3 days -which is a problem for both transport and storage. 2 The plant is distributed in southern and central Brazilian regions and consists of about nine species of trees and shrubs, among which Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg. and M. jaboticaba (Vell.) O. Berg. are the most widely cultivated ...