Preface Recent advances in the development of lithium solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) batteries have resulted in an interest in utilizing this technology fo r propulsion in electric vehicles (EVs). An important part of the commercialization of any tech n ology is an assessment of environmental, health, and safety (EH&S) issues. This report examines the potential EH&S issues associated with the use of the lithium SPE battery technology as the energy source in EVs. The Analytic Studies Division prepared this report fo r the Electric and Hybrid Propulsion Division of the Offi ce ofTransportation Technologies in the U.S. Department ofEnergy (DOE). The report is intended to help DOE determine the direction of its research, development, and demonstration program fo r lithium SPE technology, and it is one part of DOE's program to work with industry to commercialize lithium SPE batteries fo r EV s. Previous EH&S reports were prepared by the Analytic Stud ies Division fo r sodium-sulfur and nick el metal-hydride EV batteries. As the assessment of EH&S issues fo r advanced EV batteries is an ongoing task, future studies will build on the analysis contained in this report and previous reports. We are indebted to many people who helped us obtain information fo r this report. We thank Rudy Jungst of Sandia National Laboratories fo r helping us to understand some of the recycling and r e clamation aspects oflithium SPE batteries. We also thank Joe Sabatini of A.D. Little Inc., who supplied information on the toxicity of lithium battery constituents and related information, and Andy Altemos, who was instrumental in the shipping regulations analysis. Finally, we thank Ken Heitner and Dana O'Hara of DOE fo r their leadershi p and support in directing and sponsoring the EH&S program and these assessments.