Loss of megafauna, an aspect of defaunation, can precipitate many ecological changes over short time scales. We examine whether megafauna loss can also explain features of lasting ecological state shifts that occurred as the Pleistocene gave way to the Holocene. We compare ecological impacts of late-Quaternary megafauna extinction in five American regions: southwestern Patagonia, the Pampas, northeastern United States, northwestern United States, and Beringia. We find that major ecological state shifts were consistent with expectations of defaunation in North American sites but not in South American ones. The differential responses highlight two factors necessary for defaunation to trigger lasting ecological state shifts discernable in the fossil record: (i) lost megafauna need to have been effective ecosystem engineers, like proboscideans; and (ii) historical contingencies must have provided the ecosystem with plant species likely to respond to megafaunal loss. These findings help in identifying modern ecosystems that are most at risk for disappearing should current pressures on the ecosystems' large animals continue and highlight the critical role of both individual species ecologies and ecosystem context in predicting the lasting impacts of defaunation currently underway. megafauna | extinction | Quaternary | North America | South America D efaunation is occurring at a rapid pace presently (1-3).Losses are particularly severe for megafauna (1) (considered here as animals with an average body size ≥44 kg), whose removal can trigger the following: changes in vegetation structure and species composition; reductions in environmental heterogeneity, species richness, evenness, seed dispersal, nutrient cycling and distribution, and ecosystem services; coextinction of dependent species; and increases in disease-transmitting organisms (1, 4-14) and fire frequency and/or intensity (15-17).Most work on defaunation has been in contemporary ecosystems. Much less is known about how it manifests over millennial time scales. A natural experiment to assess lasting effects of megafauna loss is provided by the extinctions of late-Quaternary megafauna in the Americas, part of global-scale ecological state shift (18), during which about half of the world's large-bodied mammal species (19,20) disappeared. In North America, ∼60 megafaunal species died out, with the youngest occurrences of dated species typically falling between ∼13,000 and 11,000 y ago (19). In South America, ∼66 species were lost over a longer time span (21-23).With a few important exceptions (6, 17, 24-29), the major changes in vegetation and mammalian community structure that accompanied Quaternary extinctions have been interpreted as responses to changing climate (17-19, 21, 23, 25-27, 29-35). Here, we build on recent work of paleoecologists (17,25,28,29,32,36) and ecologists (1, 3-7, 9, 10, 15, 16, 37)
ApproachThe late-Quaternary impact of losing 70-80% of the megafauna genera in the Americas (19) would be expected to trigger biotic transitions that would b...