Challenges that pregnancy can have an impact on the asthmatic woman include; It has on the health of the woman as a mother and the health of the fetus. The objective of this study is to evaluate the demographic data, clinical features, complete blood count, biochemical markers of oxidative stress, immune response to asthma, and pregnancy outcome between asthmatic and non-asthmatic pregnant women. A comparative cross-sectional study was designed to compare asthmatic pregnant women with 50 non-asthmatic pregnant women. This was evaluated concerning specific demographic and clinical variables as well as complete blood count data. Blood samples were taken at every visit and examined for the levels of Oxidative stress biomarkers (Malondialdehyde, 8-OHdG, Total Antioxidant Capacity, Superoxide Dismutase), immune response markers (IL-6, CRP, TNF-α, IgE) as well as pregnancy outcome measures (gestational age at delivery, birth weight, Apgar scores). Comparisons of the data collected were made using the applicable statistical techniques with an alpha level of 0.05. There were no significant differences in age, BMI, smoking, or social status between the two groups; however, asthmatic women had a higher family history of asthma (%) p=0.004. Serum biochemical analyzer: asthmatic women have lower Hb: 134.40±9.19 vs 142:20±10.56 g/L p=0.023, Pcv: 0.4222±0.041 vs 0.4438±0.049 L/L p=0.049, WBC: 6.95±0.92 vs 6.29±0.79. Asthmatic women also had significantly more Malondialdehyde (p=0.031) and 8-OHdG (p=0.014) and lower antioxidant capacity (p=0.023) and Superoxide Dismutase activity (p=0.019) than control women. Sys-1 related biomarkers of the immune response are significantly higher in asthmatic women; IL-6=14.10 vs 11.71; CRP= 7.36 vs 5.63; TNF-α = 34.18 vs 27.41; IgE = 179.40 vs128.29 (p<0.05). When assessing pregnancy consequences asthmatic women gave birth prematurely (p=0.014) and their babies had lower birth weights (p=0.001), lower Apgar scores in the first (p=0.000) and fifth minutes (p=0.025). Studies show asthmatic pregnant women have different hematological, oxidative stress, and immune systems than non-asthmatic pregnant women. These changes are related to adverse birth outcomes: preterm birth, lower birth weight, and lower Apgar scores. The presented outcomes demonstrate that a possible of asthmatic women require careful monitoring during pregnancy.