“…Foraging mostly occurs in continental waters off northern Australia, as well as in eastern Indonesia (Kai Islands to southern Papua) and southern Papua New Guinea (Hamann, Smith, & Preston, ; Limpus, ; Limpus, Parmenter, Baker, & Fleay, ; Pendoley, Schofield, Whittock, Ierodiaconou, & Hays, ; Suarez, ). Tagging studies indicate strong fidelity to nesting beaches (Limpus, ; Limpus, Fleay, & Baker, ; Pendoley et al, ), and tagging and satellite telemetry studies have indicated substantial breeding migrations of up to 1,650 km from nesting beaches (Hamann et al, ; Limpus et al, ; Pendoley, Schofield, et al, ; Thums et al, ). In the more southern extent of their nesting range, flatback turtles nest during the austral summer, whereas nesting at the northern rookeries occurs mostly during the austral winter (Limpus, ).…”