Objectives: This study aims to identify the factors that shape sustainable halal tourism, taking into accounts sustainability and religious morality as the main variables, thus as part of the world endeavours to encourage the Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Theoretical Framework: Sustainable halal tourism integrates Islamic values with the principles of economic, environmental, and social sustainability. This concept aims for equitable economic growth, sustainable environmental management, and the preservation of social and cultural values in tourism development, while adhering to religious morality.
Method: This study is quantitative research using the SEM-PLS method. Data were collected through a questionnaire with a Likert scale and were analysed by using the SmartPLS software. This research was conducted at Asta Tinggi Sumenep, East Java, Indonesia.
Results and Discussion: The results of the study showed that four variables, i.e. religious morality, economy, environment, and social aspects contributed positively and significantly in shaping sustainable halal tourism. This means that these four variables are a complete concept and cannot be separated in the development of sustainable halal tourism.
Research Implications: Theoretically, this study revises the idea that sustainability is limited to only three aspects as the concept of triple bottom line in the tourism industry. Empirically, the results of the research encourage the development of sustainable halal tourism through an integrated approach that considers religious morality, social, economic, and environmental aspects in a balanced manner.
Originality/Value: This research is expected to make a significant contribution to developing halal tourism that is not only economically beneficial but also environmentally friendly and socially just in line with moral values and religious teachings, which is also encouraging the sustainable cities and communities as one of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).