A molecular dynamics simulation of the gramicidin A channel In an explicit dimyrsoyl posphatidylcholine bilayer was generated to study the details of lipidprotein interactions at the microscopic level. Solid-state NMR properties of the channel averaged over the 500 psec trajectory are in excellent agreement with available experimental data. In contrast with the aption of macroscopic models, the membrane/solution interface region is found to be at leat 12 A thick. The tryptophan side chains, located within the interface, are found to form hydrogen bonds with the ester carbonyl groups of the lipids and with water, suggeng thelr important contribution to the stability of membrane proteins. Individual lipid-protein interactions are seen to vary from near 0 to -50 kcal/mol. The most strongly interacting formations are short-lived and have a nearly equal contribution from both van der Waals and electrostatic energ. This approach for per. forming molecular dynamics simulations of membrane proteis in explicit phosphollpid bilayers should help In studying the structure, dynamics, and energetics of lipid-protein interactions.The scarcity of information about the structure of membrane proteins, along with the complexity of the bilayer environment, makes an understanding of lipid-protein microscopic interactions difficult. Structure prediction algorithms of membrane proteins often represent the membrane/solution interface as a sharp demarcation between a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic environment (1, 2). Such a simplified view may not be sufficient. For example, although the amino acids of membrane proteins are generally distributed according to their hydrophobicity (2), the reasons why tryptophan and other aromatic residues are often found at the membrane/solution interface are not well understood (3). Despite numerous experimental studies, little or no detailed information is available about the microscopic nature ofthe lipid bilayer/protein bulk solution interface and its implications for lipid-protein interactions. In principle, the powerful molecular dynamics approach for studying biological macromolecules (4) can be used to gain insight into the structure and dynamics of membraneprotein complexes. In practice, extension of current computational methods to simulate a protein in an explicit phospholipid bilayer represents a major challenge. The dynamical stability and the computed properties of the system will depend on two important factors: (i) the choice of a carefully constructed starting configuration (5) and (ii) the ability of the empirical potential function to represent accurately the balance between hydrophobic and hydrophilic forces. The selection of a model system is important in that a large body ofexperimental data should be available for assessing the simulation's validity. This paper describes a systematic approach for constructing the starting configuration for molecular dynamics simulations of intrinsic membrane proteins and reports on the results of a 500-psec trajectory for an 8:1 dimyristoyl ...