This chapter aims at proposing an implementation of the federation interoperability concept for information exchange between networked enterprises. This implementation makes use of Multi Agent / HLA paradigm and the emerging concept of Short-Lived Ontology. The authors give first, a review of ongoing researches on Enterprise Interoperability. Then, they recall on Artificial Agent Concept and HLA Standard that appear to be adequate to support simulation and execution of the studied concept. Indeed, on the one hand Agent dialogue fits the concept of information exchange in a federated enterprise interoperability approach, on the other hand the HLA standard, initially designed for military M&S purpose, can be transposed for enterprise interoperability at the implementation level, reusing the years of experiences in distributed systems. From these postulates, we propose the first Agent/HLA Short-Lived Ontology based framework to implement distributed enterprise models from the conceptual level of federated enterprise interoperability approach.