A glutamate dehydrogenase specific for nicotinamide-adeninedinucleotide has been purified 50-fold from Apodachlya brachynema (Leptomitales). Certain physical, chemical, and kinetic properties of this enzyme have been studied, particularly specificity for coenzymes and substrates. With glucose as the sole carbon source, the synthesis of glutamate dehydrogenase was repressed, whereas glutamate, proline, alanine, or ornithine plus aspartate as sole carbon sources induced synthesis of the enzyme. These data indicate that the function of this enzyme is primarily degradative, although there is no evidence for a nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide-phosphate-specific biosynthetic glutamate dehydrogenase in Apodachlya.Many fungi have been found to possess either NAD or NADP-specific glutamate dehydrogenases or both (5,10,11,14,18,19,22). The difference in coenzyme specificity of the two enzymes has been thought to be associated with different functions in metabolism: the NAD-specific enzyme being degradative and the NADP-specific enzyme being biosynthetic (10,19). Some of the evidence for this theory is derived from studies on the effect of carbon and nitrogen sources on the synthesis of the respective enzymes (1-3, 8, 9, 17, 20, 21, 23-25 After growth for 7 days, the media were further supplemented with the same quantities of carbon sources, and the mycelia were allowed to continue growth for 24 hr, then harvested over a nylon mesh filter, rinsed with glass-distilled water and frozen at -20 C until homogenized. For purification of the enzyme, cultures were grown in 2-liter Erlenmyer flasks in a medium containing glutamate as above with the exception that 1 g/liter yeast extract was added to improve the growth rate.Preparation of Enzyme. All operations were performed near 5 C. The frozen mycelia were ground with a glass tissue homogenizer in a solution, hereafter referred to as solution A, containing 1 mM EDTA and 0.10 M potassium phosphate at pH 7.0. Then the homogenates were centrifuged in a Sorvall refrigerated centrifuge at 30,000g for 15 min. The specific activities of enzymes in the resulting cell-free extracts were measured in induction-repression studies. In the purification procedure it was found that the extract, with glutamate dehydrogenase specific activity of about 0.4, could be fractionated by adding (NH4)2SO to 40% saturation, sedimenting out the precipitate, adding (NH4).S04 to the supernatant (containing GDH') to bring it to 50% saturation, and sedimenting out the second precipitate which contained the GDH and which was then redissolved in solution A. This solution was dialyzed against 100 volumes of solution A for 24 hr, chromatographed over a 40 X 2.5 cm DEAE-cellulose ion-exchange column in solution A (GDH eluting with the void volume), concentrated with 50% saturated (NH4),S0, and filtered through a column of Sephadex G-200 gel in solution A buffer (GDH eluting with the void volume). The purification resulted in a 10% yield of GDH with a specific activity of about 20. This enzyme was stored i...