Mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a prevalent cystic fibrosis (CF) lung coloniser whose chronicity is associated with the formation of cation cross-linked exopolysaccharide (EPS) matrices, which form a biofilm that acts as a diffusion barrier, sequestering cationic and neutral antimicrobials, and making it extremely resistant to pharmacological challenge. Biofilm chronicity and virulence of the colony is regulated by quorum sensing autoinducers (QSAIs), small signalling metabolites that pass between bacteria, through the biofilm matrix, regulating genetic responses on a population-wide scale. The nature of how these molecules interact with the EPS is poorly understood, despite the fact that they must pass through EPS matrix to reach neighbouring bacteria. Interactions at the atomic-scale between two QSAI molecules, C4-HSL and PQS—both utilised by mucoid P. aeruginosa in the CF lung—and the EPS, have been studied for the first time using a combined molecular dynamics (MD) and density functional theory (DFT) approach. A large-scale, calcium cross-linked, multi-chain EPS molecular model was developed and MD used to sample modes of interaction between QSAI molecules and the EPS that occur at physiological equilibrium. The thermodynamic stability of the QSAI-EPS adducts were calculated using DFT. These simulations provide a thermodynamic rationale for the apparent free movement of C4-HSL, highlight key molecular functionality responsible for EPS binding and, based on its significantly reduced mobility, suggest PQS as a viable target for quorum quenching.