X continuous flow system with an enzyme electrode and with a new type of measuring instrument, t h e BIOXY-Meter, is described as a n example for the determination of glucose. The BIOXTMeter combined with various biosensors may be used in biotechnology and in other fields for the solution of a number of analytical problems. Measuring principle is the reduction of oxygen. The peak of first derivation of the current-time-curve is proportional to oxygen consumption and to decrease of substrate concentration. Enzyme fixation with common adhesive and a device for automated saturation of measuring samples with air in the sampler are also described. With the apparatus 60 samples per hour are analyzed for glucose. The linear measuring range is 0.1 mMol to 1.5 mMol with a coefficient of variation of V k = 0.93 per cent. The described type of enzyme electrode is stable for 2 to 12 weeks or 1,000 to 5,000 measurements.