A rare eosinophilic dermatosis, Wells syndrome, also referred to as eosinophilic cellulitis, is characterized by great clinical variability. Typical findings include infiltrated erythematous plaques arising on the extremities. Lesions initially resemble erysipelas/cellulitis, however, they do not improve with antibiotic treatment. Eosinophilic cellulitis is a diagnosis of exclusion that may only be made over the course of the disease, taking into account clinical and characteristic histological findings (flame figures). Although multiple potential triggers have been proposed, the exact etiology remains unresolved. Involvement of abnormal Th2 cells, IL‐5, and activated eosinophilic granulocytes suggest a nonspecific hypersensitivity response to exogenous or endogenous stimuli. Corticosteroids may have a beneficial effect on the chronic, recurrent course frequently observed. The disease is often self‐limiting, healing without sequelae. Given that transitions to hematological and oncological disorders have been observed, patients should be closely followed up.