Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute systemic vasculitis syndrome that primarily affects infants and young children. The cause of KD is largely unknown, but its higher incidence in the Asian population and increased risk in patients' families suggests the existence of underlying genetic factors. To determine the loci of a susceptibility gene for KD, a genomewide linkage analysis with affected sib pairs was performed on 78 family samples collected from all over Japan. Multipoint linkage analysis using MAP-MAKER/SIBS 2.0 identified evidence of linkage on 12q24 [maximum lod score (MLS) = 2.69]. Possible linkage (MLS > 1.0) was also found on 4q35, 5q34, 6q27, 7p15, 8q24, 18q23, 19q13, Xp22, and Xq27. This is the first large-scale study of the genetic susceptibility to KD, and our results, combined with the accumulated knowledge of the human genome, could greatly promote research on identification of the molecular pathogenesis of KD.