In previous work it was shown that there is an epireflection ψ of the category of all compact normal, joinfit frames, with skeletal maps, in the full subcategory of frames which are also strongly projectable, and that ψ restricts to the epicompletion ε, which is the absolute reflection on compact regular frames. In the first part of this paper it is shown that ψ is a monoreflection and that the reflection map is, in fact, closed. Restricted to coherent frames and maps, ψ A can then be characterized as the least strongly projectable, coherent, normal, joinfit frame in which A can be embedded as a closed, coherent, and skeletal subframe. The second part discusses the role of the nucleus d in this context. On algebraic frames with coherent skeletal maps d becomes an epireflection. Further, it is shown that e = d · ψ epireflects the category of coherent, normal, joinfit frames, with coherent skeletal maps, in the subcategory of those frames which are also regular and strongly projectable, which are epicomplete. The action of e is not monoreflective.Keywords Epicompletion · Skeletal and closed frame maps · Strongly projectable frames · Monoreflection
Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000) Primary 06D22 · Secondary 18A20 · 18A30This article is the continuation of the work recorded in [11,14,15]. The first paper showed that the passage from a compact regular frame A to its absolute ε A is functorial if one restricts to skeletal frame homomorphisms. In fact, the monoreflection ε is the functorial epicompletion on the category KRegS of all compact regular frames and skeletal frame maps. The goal of the research that went into [11] was