Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of intestinal parasitoses in Native Brazilian children from 2 to 9 years old.
Methods:A search for ova and parasites was conducted in the stools of children between 2 to 9 years old living in six indigenous villages located in the Middle and Lower Xingu River, to wit: Pavuru, Moygu, Tuiararé, Diauarum, Capivara, and Ngojwere. The study utilized the Paratest ® kit (Diagnostek, Brazil) to preserve collected stools. Fecal samples were shipped to the Laboratory of the Pediatric Gastroenterology Division of the UNIFESP/EPM, in São Paulo, for analysis. The search for ova and parasites was performed utilizing the Hoffman method, and later through optical microscopic evaluation. Fecal samples were collected one year apart from each other.Results: There were no significant statistical differences between the mean ages of the children from the six indigenous villages studied. The search for ova and parasites found positive results for the stools of 97.5% (198/202) and 96.1% (98/102) of children in the first and second collections, respectively. There was no statistical association with the children's age. The search performed one year later found no differences in the proportion of parasites identified in the first collection for protozoa
Conclusion:The high prevalence of intestinal parasitosis matched the elevated rates of environmental contamination in this indigenous community.
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2010;86(6):493-496:Epidemiology, prevalence, ancylostoma, giardia, Schistossoma.
ResumoObjetivo: Avaliar a prevalência da parasitose intestinal em crianças indígenas de 2 a 9 anos.Métodos: Para a realização do exame protoparasitológico, foram convidadas todas as crianças de 2 a 9 anos, de seis aldeias localizadas no Médio e Baixo Xingu: Pavuru, Moygu, Tuiararé, Diauarum, Capivara e Ngojwere. Para a conservação das amostras de fezes, foi utilizado o kit coletor Paratest ® (Diagnostek, Brasil). As amostras foram transportadas para São Paulo. A pesquisa de helmintos e protozoários foi feita através do método de Hoffman, com posterior pesquisa de ovos e cistos por microscopia óptica. Foram feitas duas coletas com intervalo de 1 ano.Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa entre as idades médias das crianças provenientes das seis aldeias. Resultaram positivas para a presença de parasitas, 97,5% (198/202) Conclusão: A alta prevalência de parasitose intestinal foi compatível com o alto índice de contaminação ambiental dessa comunidade.