Introduction: Bacteria of the genus Salmonella are important pathogens involved in the contamination of various foods, such as chickens, and may cause food poisoning. Aim: The present study aimed to review the literature on the prevalence of chickens contaminated with Salmonella spp., which are commercializated in different Brazilian states. Material and methods: This was a literary review. The absolute frequency and the total percentage of contaminated samples was calculated and the Qui-square statistical test was applied, considering statistically significant p <0.05. Results: 616 publications were retrieved, but only 10 articles were included to compose the results. The cataloged studies were carried out in 14 different brazilian states, and it was observed that of 5,030 chicken samples analyzed, the mean prevalence of samples contaminated with Salmonellawas 7,3% (n= 365). In addition, the prevalence of samples in the different studies ranged from 2.5% to 44.6%. The most prevalent serotype was S. Enteritidis (28,7%) and a statistically significant association between the type of raw material for commercialization and the result of the chicken samples microbiological analysis was observed (p<0.001), where the carcasses represented 90.1% of the contaminated samples. Conclusion: Thus, the data presented in this study can serve as subsidy for the development of necessary, political or legislative, measures that allow a better control of commercialized chickens in Brazil.Descriptors: Salmonella; Foodborne Diseases; Epidemiology.ReferencesSouza GC, Gonsalves HRO, Gonsalves HEO, Coêlho JLS. Característica microbiológica da carne de frango. ACSA. 2014;10(1):12-17.Pinto LAM, Pinto MM, Bovo J, Mateus GAP, Tavres FO, Baptista ATA, et al. Aspectos ambientais do abate de aves: uma revisão. Rev Uningá. 2018;22(3):44-50.Oliveira ME, Oliveira RLZ, Souza MFLZ, Harada ES, Tech ARB. 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