Mic r o b iology Depart men t , Monas h Un iversi ty , Clayton, Vie t o r ia , A us t ral ia , 3 I68SUMMARY. Antibiotic multiresistant isolates of Staphylococcus aureus from outbreaks of nosocomial infection throughout Australia were found to possess essentially similar patterns of antibiotic resistance. Plasmid DNA profiles from these isolates exhibited a common pattern of large plasmids, of ( I 5-22) x lo6 mol. wt, associated with resistance to gentamicin, kanamycin and tobramycin, plasmids of 3 x lo6 mol. wt, mediating resistance to chloramphenicol, and cryptic plasmids of 1 x lo6 mol. wt. Restriction endonuclease digestion confirmed the presence of related plasmids in isolates from all the hospitals that were surveyed. The homogeneity of these organisms suggests the dissemination of a multiresistant, plasmid-bearing strain of S. aureus, or its derivatives, among geographically-separated hospitals in Australia.