Facial Trauma, also known as maxillofacial trauma, is a forced to the face. Trauma maxillofacial occurred about 6% of all trauma. Trauma Facial causing fractures facial that happen a lot. Facial fractures occur because of trauma load that is greater than facial bones resistance. Facial fractures are divided into several parts, the nasal bone fracture, fracture zygoma and zygoma arch, maxilla fractures, orbital fractures and fractures of the mandible. With the increase of people’s mobilization and a growing level of transportation, causing accident that led to increased facial trauma. The research objective was to determine the incidence of facial fractures in patients SMF BLU Surgical Hospital Prof. R. D. Kandou the period January 2012 to December 2012. Research method: Retrospective descriptive study of the medical records in SMF BLU Surgical Hospital Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado from January 2012 to December 2012 is used in this paper. Result: Number of patients with facial fractures who were treated at the Surgical SMF period January 2012-December 2012 as many as 156 cases (5.60%) of the total of 2786 treated facial trauma. Most facial fractures age are 20-29 years that is 78 (50.00%), men are more than women that 132 cases (84.62%); most private sector employees work as many as 40 cases (25.64%), the highest in the District Malalayang by 49 cases (31.41%), the most common cause of traffic accidents as many as 82 cases (52.56%), as well as the location of the mandibular bone fracture is the most, 72 cases (39.77%). Conclusion: Trauma face causing facial fractures that went on SMF Surgical Hospital Prof R. D. Kandou still quite high, so it is necessary to continually educate people to avoid the possibility of injury in day-to-day activities. Keywords: facial trauma, facial fractures, facial bones. Abstrak: Trauma fasial disebut juga trauma maksilofacial adalah trauma akibat ruda paksa terhadap wajah. Trauma maksilofacial terjadi sekitar 6% dari seluruh trauma. Trauma fasial menyebabkan fraktur fasial yang banyak terjadi. Fraktur tulang fasial terjadi karena beban trauma yang lebih besar dari tahanan tulang fasial. Fraktur fasial dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian, yaitu fraktur tulang hidung, fraktur zigoma dan arkus zigoma, fraktur maksila, fraktur orbita dan fraktur mandibula. Dengan peningkatan mobilisasi penduduk serta tingkat transportasi yang berkembang, menyebabkan insiden kecelakaan yang menyebabkan trauma fasial meningkat. Tujuan penelitian adalah Untuk mengetahui angka kejadian penderita fraktur tulang fasial di SMF Bedah BLU RSU Prof. R. D. Kandou periode Januari 2012 sampai Desember 2012. Metode penelitian: metode retrospektif deskriptif melalui penelitian data rekam medik di SMF Bedah BLU RSU Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado periode Januari 2012 sampai Desember 2012. Hasil penelitian: Jumlah penderita fraktur fasial yang dirawat di SMF Bedah periode Januari 2012-Desember 2012 sebanyak 156 kasus (5,60%) dari total 2786 trauma fasial yang dirawat. Usia terbanyak fraktur fasial 20-29 tahun yaitu 78 (50,00%); pria lebih banyak wanita yaitu 132 kasus (84,62%); dari pekerjaan paling banyak pegawai swasta sebanyak 40 kasus (25,64%); terbanyak di Kecamatan Malalayang sebesar 49 kasus (31,41 %); penyebab terbanyak akibat kecelakaan lalulintas yaitu sebanyak 82 kasus (52,56 %); serta lokasi fraktur terbanyak adalah tulang mandibula sebanyak 72 kasus (39,77 %). Simpulan: Trauma wajah yang menyebabkan fraktur fasial yang masuk di SMF bedah RSU Prof R. D. Kandou masih cukup tinggi, sehingga diperlukan edukasi terus menerus kepada masyarakat agar menghindari kemungkinan terjadinya trauma, dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Kata kunci: trauma fasial, fraktur fasial, tulang-tulang wajah.