A substantial proportion of acute non-A, non-B hepatitis was of unknown etiology and was termed non-A-E hepatitis. Analysis of the clinical features is needed while attempting to identify the causative agent(s). In this study, the clinical and biochemical features of 53 patients who were admitted to hospital with acute non-A-E hepatitis were compared with a cohort of patients with acute hepatitis C (n = 70) and E (n = 5). In acute non-A-E hepatitis, the sex ratio was 34:19, and ages ranged from 21 to 76 years (median 49). Biochemical tests [median (range)] revealed albumin 3.6 (2.2-4.4) g/dl, AST 714 (193-2311) U/l, ALT 896 (310-3,000) U/l, bilirubin 11.2 (0.9-36.3) mg/dl, and prothrombin time > 1.1 (0-11.5) seconds. No patients reported parenteral exposures or household contact. Forty-five percent had severe hepatitis (i.e., albumin < 3 g/dl, bilirubin > 15 mg/dl or prothrombin time > 3 sec), including 3% with fulminant hepatitis. Chronic evolution was noted in 7%. These features were similar to those of hepatitis C or E, except for a significantly high frequency of parenteral exposures (20%), household contact (16%), and chronicity (70%) in hepatitis C. In conclusion, there is no obvious parenteral risk factor identified in acute non-A-E hepatitis. Clinical severity is similar to that of hepatitis C at least in hospitalized patients, but the rate of chronic evolution is much lower.