JONES RD, SMITH OM, THOMAS PG. A mortality study of vinyl chloride monomer workers employed in the United Kingdom in 1940-1974. Scand J Work En viron Health 14 (1988 153-160. The mortalit y experience of 5 498 male wor kers emp loyed for at least one year during 1940-1 974 in th e vinyl chloride indu str y of the United Kingdom was followed through to 31 December 1984. Th ere was a significant excess of nonsecondary liver tumors with II deaths, of which seven were ang iosar coma s. All the an giosarcoma deaths occurred in auto clave workers with a median lat ency of 25 years from date of first exposur e. A strong health y worker effect was seen. Oth er than that for liver cancer, no increased incidence of cancer death s attributa ble to vinyl ch loride mon omer exposure was found . There was no evidence of increased mortality from chronic liver d isease. T he incidence of death from respirat ory disease was low and was not af fected by polyvinyl chlo ride dust exposure.