20Genotype-based diagnostics for antibiotic resistance represent a promising alternative to 21 empiric therapy, reducing inappropriate and ineffective antibiotic use. However, because 22 103
Results: 104Composition of the datasets. 105The datasets (Table 1) were biased across patient demographics and/or geographic 106 regions (Tables S1 and S2). Isolates from men and men who have sex with men (MSM) 107 were overrepresented in datasets 1 and 2 compared to overall gonorrhea incidence in 108 men and MSM in the US and Australia, respectively, during the study periods (Table S2, 109 P < 0.001 for both datasets by chi-squared test of men vs. women and MSM vs. non-110 MSM in dataset vs. reported incidence). Dataset 4 was comprised exclusively of isolates 111 from men 31 . While it is difficult to estimate the prevalence of pharyngeal gonococcal 112 infections, as they tend to be asymptomatic 32 , pharyngeal isolates represented 4% and 113