Contrary to pig farming in developed western countries, in a large part of the world, pigs are still traditionally kept, in small backyard farms, usually for family needs. Their main characteristics are low biosecurity, swill feeding, natural breeding and uncontrolled trade. Given the high number of backyard farms in Serbia and the risk they are thought to pose to intensive pig farming, the main aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of major viral diseases of swine among traditionally kept pigs in small holdings with low biosecurity. For this investigation, 222 serum samples from 69 backyard holdings were randomly selected and tested for PRRS, Aujeszky`s disease, PPV infection and Swine influenza by ELISA. The herd-level seroprevalence of PRRS, Aujeszky`s disease and PPV infection was 2.9%, 27.5% and 37.7%, respectively. Swine influenza seroconversion was not confirmed in any of the tested holdings. Despite widely distributed PPV and AD in backyard farms in Serbia, almost 50% of them are still negative for the all-tested disease. The backyard farms must be monitored, and owners educated as their role in eradication programs and obtaining country-free status may be crucial.