Males with Klinefelter syndrome (KS; 47, XXY) may be more likely to develop germ cell tumors (GCTs), particularly mediastinal GCTs. There are no reports characterizing the prevalence of KS among male GCT cases.
We used array genotyping data from a Children’s Oncology Group epidemiology study to estimate the prevalence of KS in males with GCTs (n=433; aged 0–19 years). Using Fisher’s exact tests, we examined differences in age at diagnosis, race/ethnicity, tumor location and histology, and a number of birth characteristics between KS-GCT cases and GCT cases without chromosomal abnormalities. Using publicly available data, we estimated the 1-year risk, risk ratio (RR), and corresponding 95% confidence interval (95% CI) of GCTs among KS cases.
Based on analysis of array genotyping data, 3% (n=13) of male GCT cases had KS. The additional X chromosome was of maternal origin in7/13 cases. Of these 13 KS cases, 5/9 (56%) KS-GCT cases with parental questionnaire data reported a diagnosis of KS. We did not observe significant differences in patient or birth characteristics between KS-GCT and non-KS-GCT cases. KS-GCT cases were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with mediastinal tumors than non-KS-GCT cases (p<0.01). We estimated the risk of developing a GCT among males with KS to be 0.00025, or 1/4,000 (RR: 18.8; 95% CI: 11.7, 30.0).
Compared to males without chromosomal abnormalities, KS males are more likely to be diagnosed with a mediastinal GCT. The presence of KS should be considered in males with a diagnosis of mediastinal GCT.