Summary In a case-control study of 84 multiple myeloma patients and 168 age-and sex-matched controls with tumours at other sites, reported prior allergies were associated with an elevated risk of myeloma (RR = 3.1, P<0.001). In addition, more myeloma patients than controls reported prior myxoedema (RR= 5.0 Incidence rates for multiple myeloma in British Columbia are 3.4 and 2.2 per 100,000 in males and females respectively (B.C. Ministry of Health, 1976). A recent study has indicated that the incidence has been increasing over the last 30 years (Velez et al., 1983). The highest reported incidence in the world is in U.S. black males (Waterhouse et al., 1976). Several occupational risks have been demonstrated, with Milham showing elevated mortality for myeloma among farmers, woodworkers, smeltermen and forgemen (Milham, 1976). Several studies have shown nuclear workers to be at high risk for myeloma (Dolphin, 1976;Lewis, 1963;Cuzick, 1981).Schafer and Miller in a study of 153 patients showed elevated risks of prior biliary disease and peptic ulcer in patients with IgA myeloma when compared to patients with all other myeloma types (Schafer & Miller 1979), and Allen found an elevated frequency among myeloma patients of individuals with group A blood (Allen, 1970). Familial occurrence of myeloma has been reported in spouses (Kyle et al., 1976) and in blood relatives (Maldonado & Kyle 1974 C) The