General surgeons frequently handle patients who present with an unknown neck mass. Due to the nature of diseases, medial neck soft tissue masses often manifest with variable etiologies and clinical signs and symptoms. Establishing a thorough evaluation of neck masses based on differential diagnoses is essential. The clinical evaluation of neck masses usually includes a thorough history and physical examination, advanced imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasonography, contrastenhanced computed tomography (CT), and fine-needle aspiration biopsy. From a surgeon's standpoint, proper knowledge of tissue structure, anatomy, and pathology, and applying fundamental surgical principles ensure a successful management of such lesions. This case report intends to reveal the pathological and clinical nature of an unknown neck mass in a 60-year-old female, which was postoperatively diagnosed as an epidermal inclusion cyst (EIC). This report also intends to indicate the significance of surgical intervention to prevent EIC complications and improve patient's life quality.