(17). Therefore, laminin-332 and other contents in both conditioned media might also contribute to the different migration activity.Both integrin b1 and b3 subunits may play essential role on HDF migration in autocrine manner, as antibodies to both integrin b1 and b3 subunits significantly inhibited HDF migration induced by HDF-conditioned medium. In addition, it was considered that even lower level integrin b3 subunit on HDFs might have strong effects on FN-related HDF migration in cooperative manner with integrin b1 subunit.Antibodies to both integrin b1 and b3 subunits inhibited HDF migration induced by HaCaT cell-conditioned medium, although the effect was much less than that by HDF-conditioned medium. This result suggested that FN in HaCaT cell-conditioned medium might bind to other cell surface protein(s) on HDFs to induce HDF migration. Therefore, the mechanisms in FN-induced HDF migration in paracrine manner may be partially different from that in autocrine manner.
AcknowledgementsWe gratefully appreciate the secretarial work of Ms. Tomoko Tashima and Ms. Mami Nishida. This study was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 20390308, 20591331, 21659271, 23591634, 23791298, 23791299, 23791300, 23791301, 24659534, 24591672, 24591640, 24791185)
Conflict of interestsThe authors have declared no conflicting interests.
Supporting InformationAdditional supporting data may be found in the supplementary information of this article: Data S1. Materials and methods.