The critical role of epiglottis in airway narrowing contributing to obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) intolerance has recently been revealed. This systematic review was conducted to evaluate available surgical treatment options for epiglottic collapse in adult patients with OSA. The Pubmed and Scopus databases were searched for relevant articles up to and including March 2022 and sixteen studies were selected. Overall, six different surgical techniques were described, including partial epiglottectomy, epiglottis stiffening operation, glossoepiglottopexy, supraglottoplasty, transoral robotic surgery, maxillomandibular advancement and hypoglossal nerve stimulation. All surgical methods were reported to be safe and effective in managing selected OSA patients with airway narrowing at the level of epiglottis. The surgical management of epiglottic collapse can improve OSA severity or even cure OSA, but can also improve CPAP compliance. The selection of the appropriate surgical technique should be part of an individualised, patient-specific therapeutic approach. However, there are not enough data to make definitive conclusions and additional high-quality studies are required.