Summary: Purpose:The most common pathology in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is hippocampal sclerosis. It is controversial whether status epilepticus (SE) or prolonged seizures plus secondary cerebral injuries are pathogenic mechanisms of hippocampal sclerosis. This study addressed this question in rat models of TLE.Methods: Hippocampal neuron densities and supragranular mossy fiber sprouting were determined in adult rats subjected to systemic kainate-induced SE (KA-only) and =-induced SE followed 75 minutes later by theophylline (KA/Theo) or trimethobenzamide (KA/Tri). These drugs probably decrease seizure-induced cerebral hyperemia or hypertension.Results: Compared with controls and KA-only rats, KA/Tri and KA/Theo rats showed decreased CA3b and CAI neuron densities (i.e., greater Sommer's sector injury). In addition, KA/Tri rats showed that increased trimethobenzamide dosages were associated with decreased hilar, CA3c, CA3b, CAI, and subiculum neuron densities. There were no significant differences in supragranular mossy fiber sprouting between KAonly, KA/Tri, and KA/Theo rats.Conclusions: Pbarmacologic manipulations during KAinduced SE are associated with differences in hippocampal pathology, especially in Sommer's sector, and the final pattern of damage and axon sprouting shows histopathologic similarities to that in patients with hippocampal sclerosis. Our findings support the hypothesis that secondary physiologic insults during SE that are likely to decrease seizure-induced cerebral hyperemia and hypertension may generate greater hippocampal neuronal injury compared with SE alone, and this may be a pathogenic mechanism of human hippocampal sclerosis in patients with TLE. Key Words: Blood flow-cerebralExcitotoxicity-Hypoxia-Ischemia.Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common surgically treated seizure syndrome, and the most common pathologic substrate is hippocampal sclerosis (HS) (1,2). Histopathologically, HS is characterized by aberrant axon sprouting and severe neuron loss in Sommer's sector (CAl and prosubiculum) and the end folium (hilus and CA4), with less damage to granule cells, CA2 pyramids (resistant sector), and subicular neurons (3-5). Whether HS is the consequence of status epilepticus (SE), hypoxia-ischemia, or both has been debated for more than a century (6-10). In surgically treated patients with TLE, retrospective clinicopathologic studies support the concept that initial precipitating injuries, such as prolonged febrile convulsions, SE, head trauma, and so forth, are associated with HS and TLE (1 1-16). However, epidemiologic studies have found that the risk of Accepted June 23, 2000. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Gary W. Mathern, Division of Neurosurgery, Reed Neurological Research Center, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1769, U.S.A. E-mail: epilepsy after childhood convulsions is low, and subsequent seizures are usually generalized or partial rather than mesial limbic (17-21). Further, HS is an uncommon pathologic finding in surgica...