A21978C and A541 45 are antibacterial 13-residue peptides with a medium-chain-acylated amino terminus and a 10-residue lactone ring; they are produced by strains of Streptomyces roseosporus and Streptomyces frudiue, respectively. The structural differences in their peptide chains, which include amino acid replacements and modifications (~-Glu2-+~-Asn, ~-Asn(oH)3-~-Asp, SarS+Gly, ~-Ala6-+~-Om, ~-L y s 8 -+~-A l a , ~-Asp(OMe)9+~-Asp, L-Asnl I-D-Ser, and ~-I l e l 3 +~-K y n ; Sar = sarcosine; L-Orn = L-ornithine, L-Kyn = L-kynurenine), reside in the multienzymatic templates directing their biosynthesis. We have examined the peptide synthetases employing immunodetection and substrate activation detected by the amino-acid-dependent ATP-PP,-exchange reaction. Two different antibodies specific for actinomycin synthetase 2 and a peptide sequence characteristic of acyl-CoA-synthetaseslpeptide synthetases were applied. For the A21978 system two peptide synthetases of 670 and 240 kDa were detected, together with two similar proteins of 630 and 440 kDa occurring in varying amounts. The latter are suggested to be degradation products of an unstable multienzyme. Activation of L -A s~, L-Thr, Gly, ~-Orn, L-Ala and L-Ser were assigned to the high-molecular-mass components of 670, 630 and 440kDa. The 240-kDa protein was purified to homogeneity and shown to catalyse activation of L-kynurenine. The A54145 system consisted of three peptide synthetases of 690, 590 and 250 kDa. Activations of L-Asn, L-Thr and Gly were found. The 250-kDa synthetase was capable of activating isoleucine and valine. Both systems thus show a comparable organisation ; implications for the modular construction of their peptide synthetases are discussed.Keywords: daptomycin biosynthesis ; multienzyme ; peptide synthetase; lipopeptide; protein purification.The biosynthesis of peptides by multienzyme systems is directed by an ordered array of domains [I -51. Each domain catalyses a set of enzyme functions directing a complete elongation step in peptide as well as polyketide forming pathways [5, 61. The arrangement of domain-encoding modules at the DNA level, as well as their alteration or exchange, is thought to originate from recombinational events [7]. In peptide-forming systems so far only modules adding L-and D-amino acids, as well as N-methylated amino acids, have been studied. No information is yet available on changes in specificity, hydroxylated or 0-methylated amino acids, and exchanges of residues. A unique system for studying such processes are two antibacterial lipopeptides, A21978C and A54145, which were discovered by Debono et al. 18, 91 and Fukuda et al. [lo].Daptomycin is a semisynthetic acylated 13-residue lipopeptide with a 10-residue peptidolactone-ring antibiotic derived from the A21978C factor complex produced by Streptomyces roseosporus (Fig. 1 A). Its action against gram-positive bacteria is apparently exerted from the Ca2+ complex that interferes with an early step in peptidoglycan formation [ 111 and seems to inhibit lipoteichoic ac...