In a category C an object G is epicomplete if the only epic monics out of G are isomorphisms, epic or monic meant in the categorical sense of right or left cancellable. For each of the categories Arch: archimedean -groups with -homomorphisms, and its companion category W: Arch-objects with distinguished weak unit and unit-preserving -homomorphisms, (and for the corresponding categories of vector lattices) epicompleteness has been characterized as divisible and conditionally and laterally σ-complete, and it has been shown to be monoreflective.Denote the reflecting functors by β and β W , respectively. What are they? For W the Yosida representation has been used to realize β W A as a certain quotient of B (Y A), the Baire functions on the Yosida space of A. For Arch, very little has been known. Here we give a general representation theorem, Theorem A, for βG as a certain subdirect product of W -epicomplete objects derived from G. That result, some W -theory, and the relation between epicity and relative uniform density are then employed to show Theoremis the -group of continuous functions on Y with compact support and B L (Y ) is the -group of Baire functions on Y having Lindelöf cozero sets.