The human brain spontaneously generates neural oscillations with a large variability in frequency, amplitude, duration, and recurrence. Little, however, is known about the long-term spatiotemporal structure of the complex patterns of ongoing activity. A central unresolved issue is whether fluctuations in oscillatory activity reflect a memory of the dynamics of the system for more than a few seconds.We investigated the temporal correlations of network oscillations in the normal human brain at time scales ranging from a few seconds to several minutes. Ongoing activity during eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions was recorded with simultaneous magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography. Here we show that amplitude fluctuations of 10 and 20 Hz oscillations are correlated over thousands of oscillation cycles. Our analyses also indicated that these amplitude fluctuations obey power-law scaling behavior. The scaling exponents were highly invariant across subjects. We propose that the large variability, the long-range correlations, and the power-law scaling behavior of spontaneous oscillations find a unifying explanation within the theory of self-organized criticality, which offers a general mechanism for the emergence of correlations and complex dynamics in stochastic multiunit systems. The demonstrated scaling laws pose novel quantitative constraints on computational models of network oscillations. We argue that critical-state dynamics of spontaneous oscillations may lend neural networks capable of quick reorganization during processing demands.
Key words: spontaneous oscillations; large-scale dynamics; temporal properties; correlations; scaling behavior; selforganized criticality; complexityOscillations at various frequencies are a prominent feature of the spontaneous electroencephalogram (EEG) (Berger, 1929;Connors and Amitai, 1997) and are believed to reflect functional states of the brain (Llinás, 1988;Steriade et al., 1993;Arieli et al., 1996;Herculano-Houzel et al., 1999;Tsodyks et al., 1999). These oscillations arise from correlated activity of a large number of neurons whose interactions are generally nonlinear (Steriade et al., 1990(Steriade et al., , 1993Lopez da Silva, 1991). The intrinsic neural properties and intricate patterns of connectivity add further complexity to the behavior of neural systems (Llinás, 1988;Connors and Amitai, 1997;Destexhe et al., 1998). The mechanisms and dynamics of network oscillations have been widely studied with electrophysiological recordings (Destexhe et al., 1998(Destexhe et al., , 1999, as well as with computational models (Destexhe et al., 1998;Stam et al., 1999). Neural oscillations in vivo exhibit large variability in both amplitude and frequency. The dynamic nature of these fluctuations, however, has remained unclear. Particularly for the human electroencephalogram, 8 -13 Hz oscillations have attracted widespread interest in this context. However, the complexity of the EEG has rendered it impossible to reliably distinguish the waxing and waning of oscillations o...