In several solanaceow plants, hyoscyamine is first hydroxylated at the 6j%position, and then epoxidized to scopolamine. We expressed hyoscyamine 6,Bhydroxylase (W6H) in Esclrerc&a coil as a fusion protein with maltose-biding protein. The crude cell extract from the bacterium that expressed the soluble fusion protein showed a strong hydroxyiase activity and a weak epoxidase activity. When 100 PM of hyoscyamine was fed to the recombinant bacterium, the alkaloid was first converted to dg-hydroxyhyoscyamine, and then to scopolamine, which was almost the only alkaloid found in the culture after one week. Therefore, H6H catalyzes two consecutive reactions that oxidize hyoscyamine to scopolamine.Hyoscyamine 6/?-hydroxylase; Bacterial expression; Epoxidation; Scopolamine Hyoscyamine and its epoxide sctopolamine are typical tropane alkaloids found in several soianaceous plants. Previous feeding experiments with alkaloid precursors [1,2] have suggested that the 6,7-epoxide bridge of scopolamine is formed by hyoscyamine by way of B/?-hydroxyhyoscyamine {Fig. 1). We discovered a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase that hydroxyiates hyoscyamine at the @-position in alkaloid-producing root cultures, and named it hyoscyamine S&hydroxylase (H6H; EC 1.14,i 1.11) [3,4]. Later, we also found that a similar 2-oxo~~tarate~e~ndent dioxygenase converts 6~-hydroxyhyo~y~ne tu scopolamine by dehydrogenation of the 7/&hydrogen f5]. This epoxidase activity was relatively weak and represented only l-108 of the hydroxylase activity in partially purified enzyme preparations. Our subsequent observations indicated that H6H may be a bifunctionai dioxygenase endowed with strong hydroxyiase activity and comparatively weak epoxidase activity; these two activities were observed in the same fractions during partial purification [5], and transgenic tobacco and Atropa MZadonna that expressed H6H under the cauliflower mosaic virus promoter efficiently converted hyoseyamine that was supplied either exogenousiy f6] or endogenously [?] to scupolamine.Although these observations are very suggestive, we need direct evidence that H6H has both hydroxyiase Correspondence addwx T. Hashimoto, Department of Agriculttural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-01, Japan. Fax: (81) (75) 753 6398. and epoxidase activities, and that the relatively weak epoxidase activity, together with the strong hydroxyiase activity, is sufficient to oxidize hyoscyamine completely to scopolamine, without having the conversion blocked at 6/&hydroxyhyoscyamine. In this study, we first found that the monoclonai antibody mAb5 that was raised against homogeneous hydroxyiase [8] inhibited both enzyme activities to the same extent, Next, we constructed a prokaryotic expression vector in which the H6H cDNA from Hy~scy~~lss niger [9] was fused to the maltose-binding protein (MBP) gene, and expressed the fusion protein in an enzymatically active form in Escheri hia coli. Measurement of enzyme activities in the bacterial extracts and feeding of hyos&y~ine to ...