Paramagnetic relaxation characteristics of the methyl radical at 77 K in irradiated powders of magnesium acetate tetrahydrate, potassium acetate, sodium acetate trihydrate, calcium acetate monohydrate, zinc acetate dihydrate, and lithium acetate dihydrate were measured by power saturation techniques and ELDOR spectroscopy. For magnesium acetate tetrahydrate the characteristic relaxation time (TleT2e)1/2 for the methyl radical is relatively constant with radiation dose at low doses and decreases at higher doses. For sodium acetate trihydrate the relaxation time decreases even at low dose. ELDOR measurements of the ratio of the intermolecular relaxation time (Tpo) between methyl radicals to the spin-lattice relaxation time (Tie) shows an increase from 0.05 for magnesium acetate trihydrate to >1 for sodium acetate trihydrate. In addition, the field-swept ELDOR reduction factors for the mi = -3/2 ESR line of the methyl radical utilizing 100-kHz field modulation decreases from 73% in irradiated magnesium acetate tetrahydrate to 2% in irradiated calcium acetate monohydrate. These features suggest that the radiation produced methyl radicals are trapped in clusters in acetates at low dose forming a nonuniform spatial distribution that is dependent on the cation and decreases in the approximate order Mg2+ > K+ > Na+ > Ca2+. No estimate of the amount of clustering in the irradiated Zn2+ and Li+ salts could be made due to the long Tie's exhibited by the methyl radical.