Resonance Raman spectra have been observed for NO adducts of wild-type (WT) sperm whale myoglobin
(MbNO) and its H64G, H64L, L29W, V68W, and V68T mutants at neutral and acidic pH. Raman excitation
in resonance with the Soret band enabled us to detect the Fe−NO stretching (νFe
NO), N−O stretching (νNO),
and Fe−N−O bending (δFeNO) bands. The νFe
NO, δFeNO, and νNO bands of WT MbNO at neutral pH were
observed at 560, 452, and 1613 cm-1, respectively, and substitution of the distal His64 to Gly or Leu caused
an upshift of νNO to 1631−1635 cm-1 but no change in νFe
NO. This change in νNO is considered to be due
to the removal of hydrogen bonding between His64 and bound NO. Conversely, substitution of Leu29 with
tryptophan (L29W) altered νFe
NO but caused no change in νNO at neutral pH. This feature resembles that of
MbO2 but distinctly differs from that of MbCO, for which the Fe−CO and C−O stretching frequencies have
an inverse linear correlation. The change in νFe
NO for L29W−MbNO is probably caused by tilting of the
Fe−N bond from the heme normal on account of steric hindrance from the large indole ring but would not
be due to changes in the Fe−N−O bond angle. When pH is lowered to 4, MbNO adopts the five-coordinate
structure due to cleavage of the Fe−His bond. Accordingly, the heme maker bands such as ν3 and ν10, shifted
from 1500 and 1636 cm-1 at pH 7.4 to 1509 and 1646 cm-1 at pH 4 which are in agreement with those of
a five-coordinate Fe−protoporphyrin−NO complex in detergent micelles at neutral pH. The νFe
NO and νNO
bands of acidic MbNO were observed at 520 and 1668 cm-1 and exhibited no shift when the distal His was
replaced by Gly or Leu. The latter observation supports previous X-ray crystallographic, infrared, and resonance
Raman spectroscopic measurements which show that the distal histidine becomes protonated at pH 4 and
swings out into the solvent away from the bound ligand.