All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.The copyright holder for this preprint (which . doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Jun. 7, 2018; reasons (excluding those with lymphoproliferative disorders) and CSF samples were examined. CSF 44 virological, neurodamage (tau, p-tau, 1-42 beta amyloid) and immune activation (neopterin and 45 S100beta) markers were measured by immune-enzymatic, ELISA and PCR validated methods. Two 46 hundred eighty one patients were included; 111 (40.5 %) were naïve for antiretroviral treatment. CSF 47 EBV DNA was detectable in 25 (21.9%) naïve and 26 (16%) treated patients at low levels (<100 and 48 146 copies/mL). Naïve EBV+ subjects presented higher CSF HIV RNA, biomarkers (t-tau, p-tau, 49 neopterin) and higher rates of pleocytosis. Treated EBV+ individuals showed pleocytosis, higher CSF 50 HIV RNA, CSF to serum albumin ratio, IgG index and neopterin. No association was observed 51 between detectable CSF EBV DNA and the rate of CSF escape. In patients with plasma HIV RNA <20 52 copies/mL (n=97) CSF EBV DNA was detectable in 13 subjects (13.4%) and it was associated with 53 pleocytosis, higher CSF HIV RNA and neopterin levels. EBV DNA was detectable in a considerable 54 proportion of HIV-positive patients and it was associated with higher levels of CSF HIV RNA and 55 neuronal damage/inflammation biomarkers. The role of EBV reactivation in HIV-associated CNS 56 disorders warrant further studies. 57
Importance 58EBV is a human gamma-herpesvirus with a seroprevalence in adults approaches 95% and the pattern of 59 clinical manifestations is very heterogeneous and varies from asymptomatic or mild viral infection to a 60 All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.The copyright holder for this preprint (which . http://dx