Signal transduction pathways are typically controlled by proteinprotein interactions, which are mediated by specific modular domains. One hypothetical use of such interaction domains is to generate new signaling pathways and networks during eukaryotic evolution, through the joining of distinct binding modules in novel combinations. In this manner, new polypeptides may be formed that make innovative connections among preexisting proteins.
Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) typically transmit signals that promote cell growth and survival and can be constitutively activated by mutations that induce malignant cell transformation (1). Specific autophosphorylated tyrosine motifs on activated RTKs serve as docking sites for the Src homology 2 (SH2) and phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domains of cytoplasmic adaptors, such as Grb2 and ShcA, and these modules can therefore target specific complexes to activated RTKs (2, 3). In signaling from normal or oncogenic tyrosine kinases, the nature of the signal activated by these phosphotyrosine (pTyr) recognition domains depends on the sequences to which they are linked. The SH2 domain of the Grb2 adaptor, for example, is flanked by two Src homology 3 (SH3) domains that bind proteins, such as the Sos guanine nucleotide exchange factor and the Gab1 docking protein, which are involved in activation of the Ras and phosphatidylinositol 3Ј kinase pathways, respectively (4, 5). Grb2 therefore couples pTyr-X-Asn motifs, recognized selectively by the SH2 domain, to signaling pathways that are recruited by the SH3 domains, and promote cell proliferation, growth, and survival. A variation on this theme is provided by mammalian docking proteins, such as Shc, FRS2, and IRS-1 family members. These proteins all possess a PTB domain that binds phosphorylated NPXY motifs on activated RTKs, and are phosphorylated on tyrosine on recruitment to the receptor. Their phosphorylation creates binding sites for the SH2 domains of cytoplasmic signaling proteins, including Grb2, and thereby potentiates the activation of specific biochemical pathways that stimulate growth and survival (6).The activation of signaling pathways through adaptor proteins comprised of modular interaction domains is not limited to RTK signaling, but is a common mechanism used by diverse cellsurface receptors. For example, members of the tumor necrosis factor-receptor superfamily contain cytoplasmic domains and motifs that interact with corresponding domains on adaptor proteins. This occurrence is typified by the Fas receptor, which contains a death domain (DD) in its C-terminal tail (7,8). Trimerization of the receptor leads to binding of the Fas DD to the DD of an adaptor, Fadd, which also possesses a death effector domain (DED) (9). The DED of Fadd associates with the DEDs of procaspase 8͞10 (10). Fadd therefore bridges the Fas receptor to procaspases. The assembly of this multiprotein complex leads to caspase dimerization and activation, followed by caspase autocleavage and the stimulation of pathways that elicit apoptosis (11-13...