Ba3NbFe3Si2O14 single
crystals of promising multiferroic properties from the langasite family
have been grown by floating zone melting. The accurate high-resolution
X-ray diffraction studies of this crystal were performed on a diffractometer
with a two-dimensional CCD detector at 293 and 90.5 K. To compensate
systematic measurement errors, two data sets were obtained independently
for different sample orientations at each temperature. The structure
refinement was performed based on averaged data sets with the following
results: space group P321, Z = 1; a = 8.52421(8), c = 5.23372(5) Å at
293 K; and a = 8.5211(2), c = 5.2243(7)
Å, at 90.5 K. The R factors of the model structure
refinement were found to be R/wR = 1.15/1.29% for 4396 independent reflections at 293 K, and R/wR = 1.13/1.35% for 4203 reflections
at 90.5 K. A displacement of magnetic ion Fe3+ in the 3f site was found with reducing temperature. It was also
established from comparison of the structures of Ba3NbFe3Si2O14 and Ba3TaFe3Si2O14 that the mobility of the cation in the
3f sites changes with an isomorphic substitution
of Nb cations by Ta in the octahedral sites. This can change the characteristics
of the structure and magnetic helix responsible for multiferroic properties
of the iron-containing langasites. An anomaly in thermal expansion
is found in the Ba3NbFe3Si2O14 crystal. When the temperature is reduced, the compression
ratio along the c axis is about two times larger
than that along the a axis, which is not typical
of other langasite-family crystals.