To meet the demands of a competitive market, an industrial plant often produces several grades of polymer product through the same process in an economical way. As molecular weight distribution (MWD) is a crucial quality index of polymers, dynamic optimization for grade transition based on MWD is highly important, but challenging. This study considers the development of optimization models for MWD‐based grade transition. An MWD reconstruction method using orthogonal collocation in two dimensions is developed to capture the dynamic feature of MWD in time and the distributive feature in chain length. The simultaneous collocation approach is adopted to discretize the model. Two optimization formulations are proposed to describe minimizing the transition time as well as off‐spec production. Both formulations inherit the advantages of the simultaneous collocation approach. The numerical results show that the proposed methods can efficiently solve the grade transition problem with MWD specification, and obtain high performance control profiles to reduce the production cost. © 2019 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 65: 1198–1210, 2019