We consider a kinetic model of an active suspension of rod-like microswimmers. In certain regimes, swimming has a stabilizing effect on the suspension. We quantify this effect near homogeneous isotropic equilibria ψ = const. Notably, in the absence of particle (translational and orientational) diffusion, swimming is the only stabilizing mechanism. On the torus, in the non-diffusive regime, we demonstrate linear Landau damping up to the stability threshold predicted in the applied literature. With small diffusion, we demonstrate nonlinear stability of arbitrary equilibrium values for pullers (rear-actuated swimmers) and enhanced dissipation for both pullers and pushers (front-actuated swimmers) at small concentrations. On the whole space, we prove nonlinear stability of the vacuum equilibrium due to generalized Taylor dispersion. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Landau damping 9 3. Taylor dispersion 15 4. Enhanced dissipation 23 Appendix A. Nondimensionalization 32 Appendix B. Strong solution theory 33 Appendix C. Proof of Lemma 4.3 36 References 37