Abstract.We have presented a comparison between the modeled NmF2 and hmF2, and NmF2 and hmF2 which were observed at the equatorial anomaly crest and close to the geomagnetic equator simultaneously by the Akita, Kokubunji, Yamagawa, Okinawa, Chung-Li, Manila, Vanimo, and Darwin ionospheric sounders and by the middle and upper atmosphere (MU) radar at Shigaraki (34.85 • N, 136.10 • E, Japan) during the 19-21 March 1988 geomagnetically quiet time period at moderate solar activity near approximately the same geomagnetic meridian of 201 • . A comparison between the electron, T e , and ion, T i , temperatures measured by the MU radar and those produced by the model of the ionosphere and plasmasphere is presented for 19-21 March 1988. It is shown that there is a large disagreement between the measured and modeled hmF2 from about 07:00 UT to about 11:00 UT if the equatorial E×B drift given by Scherliess and Fejer (1999) is used. The required equatorial upward E×B drift is weaker from 03:14 UT to 11:14 UT than that given by Scherliess and Fejer (1999) for the studied time period. The required modification of the E×B drift weakens the effect of the fountain in NmF2 bringing the modeled and measured hmF2 and NmF2, into reasonable agreement. The depth of the equatorial NmF2 trough in the calculated NmF2 is approximately consistent with the measured depth if the modified equatorial E×B drift is used. It has been found that the north-south asymmetries in the observed NmF2 and hmF2 about the geomagnetic equator are mainly caused by the asymmetry in the neutral wind about the geomagnetic equator. In the Northern Hemisphere, the meridional neutral wind taken from the HWW90 wind model and the NRLMSISE-00 atomic oxygen density are corrected so that the model results agree with the ionospheric sounders and MU radar observations. A theory of the primary mechanisms causing the latitude dependence of the morning and evening peaks in T e is developed. The latitude dependence of the magnitudes of these peaks in T eCorrespondence to: A. V. Pavlov (pavlov@izmiran.rssi.ru) is interpreted in terms of the corresponding dependence of the electron density. The relative role of the E×B drift and the plasma drift caused by the neutral wind in the formation and the dependence of the magnitudes of the morning and evening electron temperature peaks on the geomagnetic latitude is studied.Key words. Ionosphere (equatorial ionosphere; electric fields and currents; plasma temperature and density; ionosphere-atmosphere interactions; modeling and forecasting)