Fisher, Jacob L., and Susan S. Margulies. Modeling the effect of stretch and plasma membrane tension on Na ϩ -K ϩ -ATPase activity in alveolar epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 292: L40-L53, 2007. First published August 4, 2006; doi:10.1152/ajplung.00425.2005.-While a number of whole cell mechanical models have been proposed, few, if any, have focused on the relationship among plasma membrane tension, plasma membrane unfolding, and plasma membrane expansion and relaxation via lipid insertion. The goal of this communication is to develop such a model to better understand how plasma membrane tension, which we propose stimulates Na ϩ -K ϩ -ATPase activity but possibly also causes cell injury, may be generated in alveolar epithelial cells during mechanical ventilation. Assuming basic relationships between plasma membrane unfolding and tension and lipid insertion as the result of tension, we have captured plasma membrane mechanical responses observed in alveolar epithelial cells: fast deformation during fast cyclic stretch, slower, time-dependent deformation via lipid insertion during tonic stretch, and cell recovery after release from stretch. The model estimates plasma membrane tension and predicts Na ϩ -K ϩ -ATPase activation for a specified cell deformation time course. Model parameters were fit to plasma membrane tension, whole cell capacitance, and plasma membrane area data collected from the literature for osmotically swollen and shrunken cells. Predictions of membrane tension and stretch-stimulated Na ϩ -K ϩ -ATPase activity were validated with measurements from previous studies. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate experimentally that tonic stretch and consequent plasma membrane recruitment can be exploited to condition cells against subsequent cyclic stretch and hence mitigate stretchinduced responses, including stretch-induced cell death and stretch-induced modulation of Na ϩ -K ϩ -ATPase activity. Finally, the model was exercised to evaluate plasma membrane tension and potential Na ϩ -K ϩ -ATPase stimulation for an assortment of traditional and novel ventilation techniques.ventilator-induced lung injury; lipid trafficking; edema recovery INVESTIGATORS HAVE FOUND alveolar epithelial stretch magnitude to be related to cell injury in vitro (55, 56) and tidal volume to be related to ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) in animal models (12-15). Studies have revealed that the frequency of epithelial stretch or ventilation can also be an important factor in cell injury (56, 60). The model developed in this study examines how combinations of amplitude and frequency in ventilation procedures affect Na ϩ -K ϩ -ATPase activity via hypothesized pathways including alveolar epithelial cell plasma membrane tension and stretch-activated channel (SAC) stimulation.To date, numerous models have been proposed to describe cellular mechanical behavior, from early continuum viscoelastic representations for erythrocytes and leukocytes (11,27,65) to more sophisticated variations that modeled cell membrane an...