Let Γ be a higher rank lattice acting on a nondegenerate dendrite X with no infinite order points. We show that there exists a nondegenerate subdendrite Y which is Γ-invariant and satisfies the following items:(1) There is an inverse system of finite actions {(Y i , Γ) : i = 1, 2, 3, • • • } with monotone bonding maps φ i : Y i+1 → Y i and with each Y i being a dendrite, such that (Y, Γ|Y ) is topologically conjugate to the inverse limit (lim(2) The first point map r : X → Y is a factor map from (X, Γ) to (Y, Γ|Y ); if x ∈ X \ Y , then r(x) is an end point of Y with infinite orbit; for each y ∈ Y , r −1 (y) is contractible, that is there is a sequence g i ∈ Γ with diam(g i r −1 (y)) → 0.