Let π : T × X → X with phase map (t, x) → tx, denoted (π, T, X), be a semiflow on a compact Hausdorff space X with phase semigroup T . If each t ∈ T is onto, (π, T, X) is called surjective; and if each t ∈ T is 1-1 onto (π, T, X) is called invertible and in latter case it induces π −1 : X × T → X by (x, t) → xt := t −1 x, denoted (π −1 , X, T ). In this paper, we show that (π, T, X) is equicontinuous surjective iff it is uniformly distal iff (π −1 , X, T ) is equicontinuous surjective. As applications of this theorem, we also consider the minimality, distality, and sensitivity of (π −1 , X, T ) if (π, T, X) is invertible with these dynamics. We also study the pointwise recurrence and Gottschalk's weak almost periodicity of Z-flow with compact zero-dimensional phase space.